Note: Individual departments may have other passwords. These are not affected by a change here.
The ctrl+alt+delete
option to change passwords from the desktop will
no longer be available. Faculty, staff, and students will be required to go to this page to change passwords.
New or changed passwords must meet one of the following minimum requirements, based on character length:
Passwords of 10 - 11
characters with mixed case letters (A-Z and a-z) , numbers (0-9) , and symbols (!, #, $, %, etc.):
At least 1 uppercase alphabetic character (A - Z)
At least 1 lowercase alphabetic character (a - z)
At least one number (0 - 9)
At least one symbol (!, #, $, %, etc.)
Passwords of 12 - 15
characters with mixed case letters (A-Z and a-z) and numbers (0-9):
At least 1 uppercase alphabetic character (A - Z)
At least 1 lowercase alphabetic character (a - z)
At least one number (0 - 9)
Passwords of 16 - 19
characters with mixed case letters (A-Z and a-z):
At least 1 uppercase alphabetic character (A - Z)
At least 1 lowercase alphabetic character (a - z)
Passwords of at least 20 characters in length (no extra complexity required)
These rules apply for all passwords:
- Spaces are NOT allowed at the end of a password
- Passwords must NOT match any of your 3 previous passwords
Do not use old passwords. Do not use your password anywhere else.